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Optimise planning, content delivery and creativity to maximize impact on your target audience. Plan with a complete understanding of your audience and tailor your media buy for maximum impact and relevance. 


OOH Planner


Audience-based Planning

The OOH Planner is a pre-planning tool that identifies where your target audiences are. Powered by Adsquare, a global leading audience and location intelligence platform, it uses JCDecaux market’s local data and Points-Of-Interest for your audience-based network planning.

DEFINEyour target audience for your campaign
IDENTIFYyour customized audience segments
DESIGNa customized network best tailored towards your campaign objectives

Airport Audience Measurement





The Airport Audience Measurement (AAM) is the first international audience measurement tool developed for the airport media industry by JCDecaux. Offering advertisers and agencies standard metrics across the globe, it takes into consideration the airport’s unique characteristics and passenger journeys such as movements around departure and arrival zones, from check-in to boarding, immigration to baggage collection and transport to the city. AAM's methodology is a scientific approach backed by both external and internal data sources, and approved by the CESP, an independent joint industry committee in charge of auditing media audience measurement services in France.



Hourly Impression Measurement







Hourly Impression Measurement (HIM) provides you with audience data points derived from traffic sensors in Retail Malls to capture impressions for your campaigns. With HIM, you can now execute your OOH campaign with more precision to better meet your defined objectives.


Data points available with HIM

Best Performing Hour
Best Performing Dayweekday vs weekend

Streetside Audience Measurement

The Streetside Audience Measurement (SAM) is the first study of Singapore’s outdoor audience mobility patterns carried out in partnership with Dataspark. By leveraging mobile phone signals, the anonymised data offers deep insights into motorist and pedestrian numbers, frequency of repeated travel patterns, and exposure to OOH ads within a day or week. These insights translate into better optimisation of campaigns for a more targeted media buy.